However, last week my near death experience was barely what anyone would qualify as "Bad Ass" and was instead "Lame Ass" or even "Dumb Ass". So there I was driving home on that faithful night it was late, I was tired, and I wanted to go home. Just then, my phone rang; I answered with a cheery "Hello?" only to hear my dad on the other line "Sam, you’re late. Where are you?" "Oh I'm on my way dad, sorry for the hold up", I replied, "Just get home" my father said, "Ill talk to you then". As I said my goodbyes and hung up my phone I turned my music back up, I was listening to The Acacia Strain's newest CD "Continent", which is pretty "Bad Ass" in case you have not checked it out yet. Anyway, I had my music on loud and I was driving a mean 42 miles an hour, up a head I noticed a stop sign and as the responsible driver that I am began braking at 200 feet. As I stepped on my brake I began to notice that car wasn’t slowing down, so I panicked and pushed down all the way on my brakes and then, if my memory serves me correct, said "Oh yeah that’s real cool brakes" as I shot by the stop sign and outstretched my arm towards the stop sign in an attempt to catch it. Yet seeing as I am not Stretch Armstrong and I do not drive a convertible my attempts to grab it were useless. My car then did not one, not two, but two and a half spins before ending up in a ditch. After exiting the motor vehicle and almost getting my foot crushed by the wheel I inspected my car, got back in it, and after 30 painfully long seconds managed to drive it out of the ditch. I was in shock on my way home and couldn’t stop thinking about how bad that situation could of been, how lucky I was to be driving out of that ditch, and most importantly how lame it would of been to go out like that. I mean at least I could of jumped on a grenade to save my friends, kill Hitler and then blow myself up, or deliver a witty and catchy punch line before shooting a Nazi and then getting shot multiple times myself.
Isn’t almost dying nifty?
Oh and The Bear Jew is the greatest character in Inglorious Basterds, just saying
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