Sunday, May 2, 2010

I've been gone for a long time

I haven't posted anything new in a while, and for that I'm sorry. However, as I'm sure all of my readers are aware I live quite the crazy life and therefore my absence should not of come as such a huge surprise.
So here's what I've been up to lately:

I went to prom.
I've watched some TV.
I've done laundry.
I've driven some places.
I saw some movies.
I did some chemistry labs.
I saw some friends.
I've cleaned my room.
I've solved the gas crisis.
I've sent some texts.
I've been in several street fights.
I've done nothing on my "Bucket List"
I destroyed the Death Star, twice.
I have not been to the hospital, nor jail.
I've read some stuff.
I looked up some cool stuff on the internet.
I've listened to some tunes.
I've run for Senator.
I've run for Senior Class Dictator.
I've organized a brutal student government.
I've done some work for the CIA and have taken down some local governments.
I had tray duty once.

I've done all of those, kinda.

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